always looking for ways to positively enrich the lives of our students

A day at gabriel’s house

service projects. Character curriculum is taught throughout each month to teach high moral standards and quality character development. Gabriel’s House students are provided with various enrichment opportunities. Each week students participate in J.A.M. (Jesus and Me.) Students participate in other enrichment opportunities such as Art Class and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Activities once a month.

Each new day at Gabriel’s House brings new adventures! However, a typical day at Gabriel’s House consists of students arriving on site via the public school bus. Once arriving on site, students will have a healthy snack, receive homework and reading assistance, engage in diverse activities, and be served a nutritional dinner. Daily activities can include, but are not limited to, art and craft projects, outdoor play, reading, movies, field trips and



enroll your child in gabriel’s house today

Please fill out the appropriate form and drop it off at your child’s school or our main office at 212 N. 9th Street.

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